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How to Sing Like Frank Sinatra – The King of Swing

Sing Like Frank Sinatra

Sing Like Frank Sinatra, why Frank Sinatra? Well, Frank was an interesting singer and performer. By today’s standards, and what the general public has come to expect from a standout voice, Frank was fairly ordinary. He rarely sang outside of an octave range and he almost never displayed vocal acrobatics of any kind.

So, what is it about Sinatra and his voice that earned him the title, King of Swing? How did his voice become so iconic? Well, today we’re going to look at a range of things that helped Sinatra’ voice become synonymous with words like, smooth, warm, authentic and timeless.

Sinatra became the singer we remember him to be, in part, because he remained content with singing over a limited range. And he could do this because he never lost sight of the fact that singing is more about the lyrics and less about the melody.

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