Tag: Vocal Techniques

Mastering the Art of Diaphragmatic Singing

Mastering the Art of Diaphragmatic Singing

Read Time: 3mins Hi, I’m Dr Dan, and today at Voice Essentials, we’re diving into a topic that mystifies many singers: diaphragmatic singing. Let’s simplify this concept, debunk some myths, and introduce practical techniques to enhance your singing. What is the Diaphragm, Really? Think of the diaphragm as the unsung hero of your singing anatomy….

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Dr Dan’s Guide to Alleviating Singing Tension

Dr Dan’s Guide to Alleviating Singing Tension

Read Time: 3mins Hello, everyone! Dr Dan here, and today I’m eager to engage with you on a crucial subject that resonates with all singers—mitigating vocal tension. Tension can often be a barrier to our vocal performance; however, we can eradicate this obstacle with the appropriate strategies. Let’s unpack six techniques, all of which have…

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A Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Voice

A Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Voice

Read Time: 3mins Celebrating Your Unique Vocal Anatomy I meet many budding singers who aspire to sounding like their favourite artists in my daily interactions. While it’s great to have idols, it’s equally important to celebrate your unique voice. Therefore, let’s begin by understanding the anatomy of your voice. Your vocal apparatus, which includes your…

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