Tag: Vocal Mist

The Effects of Tobacco, Vaping, and Cannabis on Your Voice

The Effects of Tobacco, Vaping, and Cannabis on Your Voice

Photo by elsaolofsson on Pixabay Read Time: 4mins In today’s society, the prevalence of smoking, vaping, and cannabis use has raised considerable concern, particularly for those who rely on their vocal health, such as singers, speakers, and performers. It’s crucial to understand how these habits can detrimentally affect vocal health. Understanding Our Voice Our voice…

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Unlocking the Secrets of Vocal Hydration

Unlocking the Secrets of Vocal Hydration

Read Time: 4mins G’day, fellow vocal enthusiasts! I’m Dr Dan, and together we’re venturing into the realm of vocal health. Today, we’re unravelling the mysteries of vocal hydration, a critical component for everyone who loves to sing or speak publicly. We’re pitting two popular devices, Personal Steam Inhalers and Nebulizers, head-to-head and will uncover their…

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