Tag: vocal improvement

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Singing

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Singing

Read Time: 3mins Embarking on a Harmonious Path Hello, friends! I’m Dr Dan, your companion in discovering how singing can elevate both our spirits and overall health. For nearly thirty years, I’ve seen transformations that transcend vocal skills, enriching lives with well-being. Together, let’s explore the profound health symphony orchestrated by singing. The Joy of…

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Singing Techniques You Might Not Want to Hear (But Need to!)

Singing Techniques You Might Not Want to Hear (But Need to!)

Read Time: 3mins Today, I’m excited to share insights that have transformed both my students and my own singing journeys. Singing is an evolving art, and our practices should grow alongside us. Let’s explore some key techniques that could revolutionise your experience, complete with practical tips and my personal experiences. Why Change Matters The Story…

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