Tag: vocal health

Beat Vocal Fatigue: Proven Strategies for Every Singer

Beat Vocal Fatigue: Proven Strategies for Every Singer

Read Time: 3mins Understanding Vocal Fatigue: A Guide for Singers Today, I want to talk about a common challenge for vocalists: vocal fatigue. Whether you’ve pushed hard during a performance or simply talked all night at a lively party, knowing how to handle vocal fatigue is crucial for your vocal longevity. What Exactly is Vocal…

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Unlocking the Power of Your Upper Register

Unlocking the Power of Your Upper Register

Read Time: 3mins Understanding Vocal Registers: A Foundational Overview Welcome, I’m Dr Dan, ready to guide you through the fascinating world of vocal exploration. Today, we’re moving beyond the well-trodden path of the lower register, commonly termed the chest voice, to explore the often-neglected yet essential upper register. Embracing this area is key for achieving…

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Singing Techniques You Might Not Want to Hear (But Need to!)

Singing Techniques You Might Not Want to Hear (But Need to!)

Read Time: 3mins Today, I’m excited to share insights that have transformed both my students and my own singing journeys. Singing is an evolving art, and our practices should grow alongside us. Let’s explore some key techniques that could revolutionise your experience, complete with practical tips and my personal experiences. Why Change Matters The Story…

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Singing Through Sickness: A Guide to Vocal Resilience

Singing Through Sickness: A Guide to Vocal Resilience

Read Time: 3mins We all understand that falling ill can severely disrupt your singing practice and performance plans. However, there’s a silver lining: there are still constructive activities to help you continue your vocal development, even when you’re not feeling your best. In this revamped guide, I’ve aimed to provide a more engaging and comprehensive…

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Dr Dan’s Guide to Alleviating Singing Tension

Dr Dan’s Guide to Alleviating Singing Tension

Read Time: 3mins Hello, everyone! Dr Dan here, and today I’m eager to engage with you on a crucial subject that resonates with all singers—mitigating vocal tension. Tension can often be a barrier to our vocal performance; however, we can eradicate this obstacle with the appropriate strategies. Let’s unpack six techniques, all of which have…

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Unlocking the Secrets of Vocal Hydration

Unlocking the Secrets of Vocal Hydration

Read Time: 4mins G’day, fellow vocal enthusiasts! I’m Dr Dan, and together we’re venturing into the realm of vocal health. Today, we’re unravelling the mysteries of vocal hydration, a critical component for everyone who loves to sing or speak publicly. We’re pitting two popular devices, Personal Steam Inhalers and Nebulizers, head-to-head and will uncover their…

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Tonsillectomy and Vocal Health: What Singers Need to Know

Tonsillectomy and Vocal Health: What Singers Need to Know

Read Time: 3mins A tonsillectomy can bring relief and various health benefits to those who require it. However, singers may be concerned about this procedure’s potential impact on their voice. In this short blog post, we’ll explore the effects of a tonsillectomy on vocal performance and provide some insights, expert observations, and practical guidance for…

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Rest, Hydrate, and Recover: A Singer’s Guide to Beating Illness

Rest, Hydrate, and Recover: A Singer’s Guide to Beating Illness

Hello there! Let’s talk about tips to get sick singers back to their full vocal health. If you’re a singer who is currently sick or want to be prepared for when you do get sick, this blog is for you. Rest is Key As boring as it sounds, rest is the most important thing to…

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Develop Better Vocal Health in 2017

Develop Better Vocal Health in 2017

7 Steps to Better Vocal Health: What are your goals for the new year? Lose weight, eat healthily, spend more time with family and friends? More specifically, what are your singing goals for 2017? Better pitch accuracy, more performing and successful auditions are among the top goals I hear every January when my studio opens for…

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