Singing Tips Category: Voice Essentials 'Pit Stop'

Opioids & Your Singing: Must-Know Facts!

Opioids and Singing In this insightful video, Dr Dan explores the complex relationship between “Opioids and Singing,” highlighting how these substances can affect vocal performance and health. Renowned for his expertise in vocal care, Dr Dan elucidates the impact of opioids, commonly used for pain management, on the risk of vocal fold damage and the…

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Which Requires More Energy?

Speaking vs Singing Join Dr Dan in this fascinating exploration of the energy demands in “Speaking vs Singing,” where he compares vocal dose and vocal load between these two common voice activities. The analysis delves into how speaking typically involves a higher vocal dose, as people spend more time talking throughout the day. However, when…

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Unlock the Secret to Captivating Vocals

The Art of Singing Sexy Dr Dan delves into the world of singing technique, exploring how to make performances more captivating. Though often perceived as a discipline requiring hard work and practice, singing techniques can lead to emotionally powerful and authentically expressive performances, which some may find sexy. Mastering physical and technical aspects like breath…

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Master Your Voice with Reflective Techniques

Unlock Reflective Techniques for Vocal Mastery In this insightful video, Dr Dan shares his expert knowledge on utilising reflective techniques to elevate your singing abilities and enhance your vocal performance. If you’re passionate about singing and wish to hone your skills, this video will provide invaluable tips that can make a significant difference in your…

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The Ultimate Guide to Singing Success

Stop Repeating the Same Singing Mistakes In this must-watch video, Dr Dan from Voice Essentials addresses common singing mistakes and offers expert solutions to improve your vocal technique. By focusing on the right strategies, singers can avoid repeating singing mistakes and achieve impressive results. Dr Dan’s online singing courses have already guided thousands to unlock…

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How Letting Go Unlocks Vocal Mastery

Let go and let voice! Dr Dan introduces the transformative concept of “let go and let voice” to help singers achieve vocal freedom and improve their technique. By learning to let go of muscular stress and constriction during register transitions, vocalists can unlock their full range and enhance pitch accuracy. Focusing on embracing this approach,…

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Beyond Jack of All Trades

Jack of All Singing Trades In this captivating video, Dr Dan explores the concept of being a “Jack of all trades” in singing and the importance of genre specialisation. Delve into the world of vocal limitations and learn how even the most versatile music theatre singers cannot master every genre. By focusing on a select…

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The Voice Rebound

How to Estimate and Expedite Your Vocal Healing Dr Dan’s insightful video offers an in-depth look at the x2 Rule, a useful guideline designed to help singers gauge their voice healing time following acute illnesses like colds or the flu. As he delves into the nuances of vocal recovery, he emphasises that individual experiences may…

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Technique and Songs: The Perfect Duet

Technique vs Singing Songs Dr Dan reveals the secret to elevating your singing skills in this must-watch video that goes beyond the traditional approach of vocal technique versus singing songs. With his expert guidance, you’ll learn how to unlock your full potential by blending both aspects seamlessly. You’ll gain valuable insights into the importance of…

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Overcome Singing Practice Procrastination

Just Start Singing! Dr Dan discusses the importance of overcoming procrastination in both completing his doctorate and singing practice, emphasising that the hardest part is often to just start singing. He shares his experience of enjoying the process once engaged and highlights the similarities between writing and practising vocal technique. Dr Dan invites viewers to…

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