Resonance Exercises for Singers: Unlocking Brilliance

Resonance Exercises for Singers: Unlocking Brilliance

Read Time: 3mins G’day, everyone! Today, I’m thrilled to share some powerful resonance exercises for singers that will elevate your singing to new heights. If you’ve been longing to infuse your voice with vibrancy and excitement, you’ve come to the right place. Join me on this journey as we explore four essential resonance exercises to…

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Auto-Tune: The Pros & Cons Revealed

Auto-Tune: The Pros & Cons Revealed

Read Time: 4mins From its humble beginnings to its omnipresence in today’s music industry, Auto-Tune has journeyed a long way. Its origin can be traced back to 1997 when Antares Audio Technologies developed it. Initially, it was aimed at correcting pitch discrepancies in vocal performances. However, it has evolved into a tool with wider applications, often…

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The Effects of Tobacco, Vaping, and Cannabis on Your Voice

The Effects of Tobacco, Vaping, and Cannabis on Your Voice

Photo by elsaolofsson on Pixabay Read Time: 4mins In today’s society, the prevalence of smoking, vaping, and cannabis use has raised considerable concern, particularly for those who rely on their vocal health, such as singers, speakers, and performers. It’s crucial to understand how these habits can detrimentally affect vocal health. Understanding Our Voice Our voice…

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Unlocking Vocal Potential: The Intersection of Singing and Sports

Unlocking Vocal Potential: The Intersection of Singing and Sports

Read Time: 4mins It’s no secret that I adore singing, but did you also know about my passion for sports? I frequent a gym, engage in weekly social games of touch football, and my ultimate passion, though not indulged as often as I would love, is snow skiing. Over the years, my immersion in sports…

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Mastering Balanced Vocal Onsets

Mastering Balanced Vocal Onsets

Read Time: 3mins Singing, as an art form, is composed of various techniques, one of which is the vocal onset. The mastery of onsets can significantly impact the overall singing performance. This article is designed to educate and enlighten you on the importance of balanced vocal onsets and how to achieve them in singing. Understanding…

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Dr Dan’s Guide to Alleviating Singing Tension

Dr Dan’s Guide to Alleviating Singing Tension

Read Time: 3mins Hello, everyone! Dr Dan here, and today I’m eager to engage with you on a crucial subject that resonates with all singers—mitigating vocal tension. Tension can often be a barrier to our vocal performance; however, we can eradicate this obstacle with the appropriate strategies. Let’s unpack six techniques, all of which have…

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Unlocking the Secrets of Vocal Hydration

Unlocking the Secrets of Vocal Hydration

Read Time: 4mins G’day, fellow vocal enthusiasts! I’m Dr Dan, and together we’re venturing into the realm of vocal health. Today, we’re unravelling the mysteries of vocal hydration, a critical component for everyone who loves to sing or speak publicly. We’re pitting two popular devices, Personal Steam Inhalers and Nebulizers, head-to-head and will uncover their…

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Enhancing Stage Presence

Enhancing Stage Presence

Read Time: 3mins Greetings, everyone. Let’s explore stage presence today, focusing on its critical impact on your audience. From grasping the intricacies of genre-specific performances to mastering the subtle art of audience connection, we will delve into a multifaceted approach to enhancing your stage presence. Genre-Specific Performance and Confidence Firstly, the genre of your performance…

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A Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Voice

A Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Voice

Read Time: 3mins Celebrating Your Unique Vocal Anatomy I meet many budding singers who aspire to sounding like their favourite artists in my daily interactions. While it’s great to have idols, it’s equally important to celebrate your unique voice. Therefore, let’s begin by understanding the anatomy of your voice. Your vocal apparatus, which includes your…

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Tonsillectomy and Vocal Health: What Singers Need to Know

Tonsillectomy and Vocal Health: What Singers Need to Know

Read Time: 3mins A tonsillectomy can bring relief and various health benefits to those who require it. However, singers may be concerned about this procedure’s potential impact on their voice. In this short blog post, we’ll explore the effects of a tonsillectomy on vocal performance and provide some insights, expert observations, and practical guidance for…

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