Category: Singing Tips

The Ultimate Beginner Singer’s Guide

The Ultimate Beginner Singer’s Guide

Read Time: 4mins Embarking on your singing journey is akin to setting sail on a vast ocean of melodies and harmonies. It’s a voyage filled with discovery, passion, and the joy of unlocking the unique song within you. As a companion on this journey, I’m here to offer you a compass and map through the…

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Mastering the Art of Diaphragmatic Singing

Mastering the Art of Diaphragmatic Singing

Read Time: 3mins Hi, I’m Dr Dan, and today at Voice Essentials, we’re diving into a topic that mystifies many singers: diaphragmatic singing. Let’s simplify this concept, debunk some myths, and introduce practical techniques to enhance your singing. What is the Diaphragm, Really? Think of the diaphragm as the unsung hero of your singing anatomy….

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Singing Techniques You Might Not Want to Hear (But Need to!)

Singing Techniques You Might Not Want to Hear (But Need to!)

Read Time: 3mins Today, I’m excited to share insights that have transformed both my students and my own singing journeys. Singing is an evolving art, and our practices should grow alongside us. Let’s explore some key techniques that could revolutionise your experience, complete with practical tips and my personal experiences. Why Change Matters The Story…

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Resonance Exercises for Singers: Unlocking Brilliance

Resonance Exercises for Singers: Unlocking Brilliance

Read Time: 3mins G’day, everyone! Today, I’m thrilled to share some powerful resonance exercises for singers that will elevate your singing to new heights. If you’ve been longing to infuse your voice with vibrancy and excitement, you’ve come to the right place. Join me on this journey as we explore four essential resonance exercises to…

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Unlocking Vocal Potential: The Intersection of Singing and Sports

Unlocking Vocal Potential: The Intersection of Singing and Sports

Read Time: 4mins It’s no secret that I adore singing, but did you also know about my passion for sports? I frequent a gym, engage in weekly social games of touch football, and my ultimate passion, though not indulged as often as I would love, is snow skiing. Over the years, my immersion in sports…

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Dr Dan’s Guide to Alleviating Singing Tension

Dr Dan’s Guide to Alleviating Singing Tension

Read Time: 3mins Hello, everyone! Dr Dan here, and today I’m eager to engage with you on a crucial subject that resonates with all singers—mitigating vocal tension. Tension can often be a barrier to our vocal performance; however, we can eradicate this obstacle with the appropriate strategies. Let’s unpack six techniques, all of which have…

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You Are Enough!

You Are Enough!

Be Kind to Yourself I want to take a quick moment to encourage you to be kind to yourself. Right now, whatever you are doing, whoever you are with, I want you to know that ‘you are enough!’ Our modern culture of social-media-driven comparisons has a terrible habit of telling us what we are not…

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Singing with Confidence

Singing with Confidence

Singing with Confidence I am guessing singing is a big part of your life. For some it is dance. For other’s it’s art. But for us, it’s singing with confidence. Why? What is it about singing that captivates you? At this time of year, I have many new students step into my studio. The level…

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Develop Better Vocal Health in 2017

Develop Better Vocal Health in 2017

7 Steps to Better Vocal Health: What are your goals for the new year? Lose weight, eat healthily, spend more time with family and friends? More specifically, what are your singing goals for 2017? Better pitch accuracy, more performing and successful auditions are among the top goals I hear every January when my studio opens for…

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