Month: July 2023

Enhancing Stage Presence

Enhancing Stage Presence

Read Time: 3mins Greetings, everyone. Let’s explore stage presence today, focusing on its critical impact on your audience. From grasping the intricacies of genre-specific performances to mastering the subtle art of audience connection, we will delve into a multifaceted approach to enhancing your stage presence. Genre-Specific Performance and Confidence Firstly, the genre of your performance…

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A Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Voice

A Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Voice

Read Time: 3mins Celebrating Your Unique Vocal Anatomy I meet many budding singers who aspire to sounding like their favourite artists in my daily interactions. While it’s great to have idols, it’s equally important to celebrate your unique voice. Therefore, let’s begin by understanding the anatomy of your voice. Your vocal apparatus, which includes your…

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